Cycling Fans on Satellite Pro-cycling satellite race coverage


About CyclingFans on Satellite

Filed under: — MJ Ray @ 12:13+00:00

My name is MJ Ray and I’m a cycling fan.

I bought my first satellite TV system by mail order in 2004 because I was fed up with the terrible choice of TV channels in my remote part of England (remote? I was only about 100 miles north of London!). One of the reasons for getting a multi-satellite system was so I could see sports coverage from across Europe: plenty of football, skiing and cycling was all available for free in 2004.

The football coverage has reduced a lot since then, but I’m watching more and more cycle racing and I’ve learnt much more about it than I knew before. If you watch the European coverage, you realise how poor the English coverage is – we get the Tour de France and very little else. I’ve also learnt a bit about multi-satellite TV and I’ll try to pass on some tips and keep my FAQ up-to-date. It’s not difficult and I’m surprised more people don’t try it. Please ask questions, either in response to articles, or by email to mjr at (please let me know if I can publish your email).

I moved to Somerset and eventually put my satellite system back up in early 2007, with a few changes. It’s not quite working perfectly, but I can still watch most races.

Thanks to Pete and the other cycling fans for giving me this space to post coverage details and more. Most of the time, I’ll concentrate on digital satellite (DVB-S) broadcasts which I can see, but I’d like to mention other satellite broadcasts if people tell me about them! I’ll post some explanations, tutorials and criticisms when time permits.

You can find out more about me by visiting MJR.Towers and following the links from there, but otherwise: watch this space!

1 Comment »

  1. Imagine that, I’m looking for info on streaming video of cycling events (Paris-Roubaix is tomorrow), and I come across this site.

    Schemers are everywhere!

    — Paul

    Comment by Paul Steckler — 2009-04-12 @ 11:53+00:00

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